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Task Register

Each Task Action is recorded in the Task Register and will show the status of either Open or Closed.

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Written by Admin
Updated over a week ago


When an action is required against a specific profile, the Task Register allows the assignment of the action to an AML360 user. The Task Owner can set the priority of the Action, who the action is assigned to and the Date that the action is due for completion.


The Task Register Dashboard will display the percentage of total Tasks in risk rating categories, as well as the percentage of Tasks that are Open or Closed. These data sets will be displayed in pie graphs.


Each Task Action has a file note from where updates can be included. The file note is accessed by clicking on the ‘Notes’ icon in the Register.


To add a file note, click on Edit, then 'Save'.  When a further file note update is made, the prior entry will remain displayed.


When a task remains opened, the Actions column will display a red indicator.  When a task is due for closing, clicking on 'Close' in the file note will change the indicator in the Actions column to green.

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