Step 1
The first step is to select the Unique ID filter and click on the profile that the Task Action relates to:
Step 2
The second step is to click on the Task Owner filter and select the person who is ultimately responsible for ensuring the task is completed:
Step 3
Next click on the Task Assignee filter and select the person that is responsible for carrying out out the task:
Step 4
In the File Note section, add text to describe the action that is required to be undertaken.
Step 5
Next, click on the ‘Priority’ filter and select the priority rating of the action.
Step 6
Click in the start date field and a calendar will appear. Select the start date of the task.
Step 7
Next, select the Due Date that the Task is required to be complete.
Step 8
Finally, click on the ‘Create’ button.
The Task Action will now be displayed in the Task Register.